Radiology Solutions

Discoveries. The frontier of adventure is about the undiscovered. And the frontier of radiology is no different. It's about undiscovered efficiencies. Undiscovered quality. Undiscovered professionalism. Undiscovered potential. And undiscovered opportunities. But you have to know where to look to find all of these things. And as it turns out, we're very good at knowing where to look.

Very Rad. Radiology+ is one of our innovative sub-brands and it offers specialized, tech-centered solutions in the areas of sourcing and boosting. Our sourcing solution is a complete radiology staffing solution for hospitals and other radiology-related businesses. And our boosting solution consists of consulting services designed to enhance radiology-related metrics, such as efficiency, quality, professionalism, and preparedness for tomorrow's far-more-automated world of radiology.

Just to be clear, Radiology+ isn't just about today, next month or even next year because automation technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) are knocking on every radiologist's door. To address this issue, we've taken a forward-looking approach with Radiology+ by creating premium solutions that prepare our clients for a tech-intensive tomorrow. In the process, Radiology+ helps future-proof the operations of hospitals, imaging centers, radiology groups, and other radiology-related businesses.

Tomorrow. If you're ready to take a peek at tomorrow, just watch the video below and then check out the Radiology+ solutions we offer by following the photo links that appear later on this page. Then, get in touch with us. We'll be happy to show you a world you've never experienced.

On The Edge. The frontier isn't just about shiny new consumer products like phones with higher-resolution cameras, tech-filled cars, and Internet-connected devices. Services can live on the frontier as well. In fact, that's exactly where our Radiology+ solutions like to hang out. So take a look around and then join us in the world of tomorrow.

Specialized Sourcing
Medical personnel talking outside hospital.


Specialized Boosting
Two radiologists looking at computer screen.

Boost your metrics